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Emergency Telephone Number in Japan

Here are the numbers to call in case of emergency. All numbers can be called free from fixed landline, public telephone or mobile cellular phone.

Emergency Telephone Number


To call the police to report a crime or accident, etc., dial 110 (no area code necessary; available on a 24-hour basis, free of charge)


When you call, give information in the following order:
(1) Say whether you are calling to report an accident or a crime.
(2) Give the location or address of the incident.
(3) Give your name.

(1) If anyone is injured, an ambulance will be dispatched if you tell the police.
(2) If you are a victim of a robbery or other such crime, report it to the police immediately.
(3) If your bankbook or credit card is stolen, please contact your bank or credit card company immediately to prevent it being used fraudulently.

Sample Questions and Answers When Calling the Police

Q = Questions/comments from the police
A = Your answers

Q: This is the police. Are you calling about an incident or an accident? “Keisatsu desu. Jiken desuka? Jiko desuka?”
A: An incident. Someone is on a rampage in a shop. “Jiken desu. Omise de boryoku wo furutte iru hito ga imasu.”

Q: Does he possess any weapons? Is anybody injured? “Aite wa kyoki wo motte imasuka? Keganin wa imasuka?”
A: He doesn’t have any weapons, but he is beating and hurting other customers. “Aite wa nanimo motte imasen ga, hokano okyakusan wo nagutte, kega wo sasete imasu.”

Q: Where is the shop? (Please give the exact address.) “Basho wo oshiete kudasai, Nani-ku (shi), nani-machi, nan-chome, nan-ban, nan-go desuka?”
A: The shop is in front of XX Bldg., X-X-X XXXmachi in Shinjuku City. “Shinjuku-ku XX-machi XXX no XX biru no mae desu.”

Q: What is your telephone number? “Denwa bango wo oshiete kudasai.”
A: It is XXXX-XXXX. “XXXX-XXXX desu.”

Q: The police will be on the way immediately. “Imakara keisatsukan ga genba e mukaimasu.”

To call the fire brigade or ambulance regarding a fire or illness, dial 119 (no area code necessary; available on a 24-hour basis, free of charge)


When you call, give information in the following order:

(1) Say whether you are calling to report a fire or to call an ambulance.
(2) Give the location.
(3) Give your name.

(1) The police/fire department will be able to reach the location quickly if you describe buildings nearby that can serve as landmarks when giving them the location.
(2) When you hear the ambulance approaching, send someone outside to direct the ambulance. While you wait for the ambulance, if time permits, you should gather your health insurance certificate and some cash.

Sample Questions and Answers When Calling for an Ambulance
Q = Questions/comments from the Tokyo Fire Department
A = Your answers

Q: This is the Fire Department. Do you need the fire brigade or an ambulance? “Shobocho. Kajidesuka, kyukyu desuka?”
A: We need an ambulance. Kyukyu desu.

Q: What is the matter? Doshimashitaka?
A: There has been a traffic accident. (Please describe the situation with as much detail as possible, such as by saying, “Someone is stuck inside.”) “Kotsu-jiko desu.”
(“Hasamatte iru” = “Someone is stuck inside.”)

Q: Please give your location (city and address). “Nani-ku(shi), nani-machi, nan-chome, nan-ban, nan-go desuka?”
A: We are in front of XX Bldg., X-X-X XX-machi, Shinjuku City. “Shinjuku-ku XX-machi X-X-X no XX Biru-no mae desu.”

Q: Please give your telephone number. “Denwa bango wo oshiete kudasai.”
A: It’s XXXX-XXXX. “XXXX-XXXX desu.”

Q: All right. “Hai, wakarimashita.”

Sample Questions and Answers When Calling the Fire Brigade

Q: This is the Fire Department. Do you need the fire brigade or an ambulance? “Shobocho. Kajidesuka, kyukyu desuka?”
A: There is a fire. “Kaji desu.”

Q: Please give your location (city and address). “Nani-ku (shi), nani-machi, nan-chome, nan-ban, nan-go desuka?”
A: We are in front of XX Bldg., X-X-X XX-machi, Shinjuku City. “Shinjuku-ku XX-machi X-X-X no XX Biru-no mae desu.”

Q: What is burning? “Nani ga moete imasuka?”
A: XX is burning. “XX ga moete imasu.”

Q: All right. “Hai, wakarimashita.”

(Source: Shinjuku City Official Site)


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