“Fun” is a Chinese cuisine which lies in Idai Dori Shopping Street.
Its gentle to the body and a carbohydrate restricted food is most popular among female customers. Lunch menu of this restaurant has abundant variety of dish.
In the main dish, you can enjoy salad, rice, soup & dessert which costs from 850 yen.
In this restaurant, you can also enjoy Shaoxing Rice wine (5yr maturation) which has been in maturation for a longer period than usual (1-3yr).
There is also a course dish, costs from 4000 yen which contains 5 types of appetizers and 3 main dishes, Mini-Ramen, Annindofu (an almond jelly) dessert.

Lunch menu “Tantanmen”

Lunch menu “Tamago Ryouri (Egg food)”

Kaisen-don (Seafood bowl)

Niku-Ryouri (Meat Cuisine)

Donabe Mabodofu (Hotpot Tofu cuisine)

Restaurant Name | Fun (中国料理「歓」) |
Address | 1F Katsura Building, 6-7-3 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku,Tokyo |
TEL | 03-3341-8100 |
Business Hour | Lunch Time 11:00-14:00 Dinner Time 17:00-22:30 (Last Order) |
Closed | Sunday and Public Holiday *But restaurant will open if there is a reservation. |
Access | 3min walk from “Shinjuku Sanchome Station” C7 exit |
NOTE: Shops information such as price, cuisine contents, opening hours, closing time or additional details may be subject to change, so please be sure to check the latest information directly at the shop.