Sightseeing Spot by Area

  1. A bar street which feels more adult than Kabukicho ‘Suehiro Dori’

    In Suehiro Dori (末広通り), you can enjoy Rakugo (Sit-Down Comedy) in the most popular Japanese style hall "Sueihirotei".…

  2. Hyashi Fumiko Kaikan

    In around 8 minutes walking distance from Nakai st…

  3. ‘Omoide Yokocho’(思い出横丁)- Root of the black market formed after the war

    In omoide yokocho (思い出横丁), you can enjoy the Yakit…

  4. (Finished) VR ZONE SHINJUKU spring performation

    Experience the near future cherry blossoms at Shin…

  5. (Finished) Hinamatsuri at Keio Plaza Hotel

    6,800 点の壮大なつるし飾りの華やかさと日本の伝統文化「香」の厳かな魅力に触れるひとときYo…

  6. 【closed】A unique cafe where you can interact with an owl – ‘Owl Cafe MOHUMOHU’

Recommended Restaurant

  1. Hobo Shinjuku Norengai
  2. kitamura
  3. Sanrio Shinjuku Store