
  1. A place where you can enjoy Goto Islands taste while being in Shinjuku – ‘Gotojin Nishi-Shinjuku branch’

    There is a chain of 140 islands, located within the East China Sea, approximately 100 kilometers west of Nagasaki Prefec…

  2. Let’s enjoy cuisine with authentic soup stock at ‘Dashi Shabu Abanzai Okaka Shinjuku’

    Dashi is a soup stock which is indispensable to Ja…

  3. Shabu-Shabu specialty restaurant – ‘Merino’

    Shabu-Shabu specialty restaurant “Merino (しゃぶしゃぶ専門…

Recommended Restaurant

  1. Hobo Shinjuku Norengai
  2. kitamura
  3. Sanrio Shinjuku Store