East Area Gourmet

Korean restaurant ‘Chan Ton Shinjuku’

Chan Ton (ちゃん豚 新宿店) is a Korean restaurant located in Shinjuku 3 chome. Here you can enjoy lunch from 480 yen.

The price is reasonable and the seasoning is also delicious.

There are many business man at lunchtime, but it is a shop that is easy for even a woman to enter.


Korean Classic cuisine Bibinba cost 480 yen

ちゃん豚 新宿店
ちゃん豚 新宿店
アクセス:地下鉄丸ノ内線新宿三丁目駅 C6番出口 徒歩1分
住所:〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿3-11-11 ダイアン新宿ビル2F(地図
ネット予約:ちゃん豚 新宿店のコース一覧
周辺のお店:ぐるなびぐるなび 新宿×焼肉


Restaurant Name Chan Ton (ちゃん豚 新宿店)
Address 2F Diane Shinjuku Bldg., 3-11-11 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
TEL 03-3356-6667
Business Hour Mon.-Fri.
Lunch 11:30-15:30 (L.O.15:00)
Dinner 18:00-24:00 (L.O.23:30)
Lunch 11:30-15:00 (L.O.14:30)
Dinner 15:00-24:00 (L.O.23:30)
Closed None
URL Chan Ton Shinjuku Branch

NOTE: Shops information such as price, cuisine contents, opening hours, closing time or additional details may be subject to change, so please be sure to check the latest information directly at the shop.

Access Map


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